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Side effects

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Dou you know any side effects caused by the use of steroids?Is there tendency to chronic diseases that may develop later due to the usage? Thanks!



Hormonal malfunctions caused by deca durabolin there may be a situation where the strength and muscle mass of a training person increases in the short term, but after long-term use the effect of steroids decreases. Thus, the hormonal balance of the user is disturbed, which is also expressed in an increase in the level of the female sex hormone astrogen. The action of astrogen is opposite to that of testosterone with respect to its effect on muscle tissue, since astrogen destroys muscle.



Hormonal malfunctions: there may be a situation where the strength and muscle mass of a training person increases in the short term, but after long-term use the effect of steroids decreases. Thus, the hormonal balance of the user is disturbed, which is also expressed in an increase in the level of the female sex hormone astrogen. The action of astrogen is opposite to that of testosterone with respect to its effect on muscle tissue, since astrogen destroys muscle.


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